Saturday, December 8, 2007

Remember the dot com bubble?

This video makes some good points about the current state of affairs in Silicon Valley. What do you think? Are we headed for another dot com bubble?

I've been saying for awhile that Facebook is a fad. Maybe I'll be proven wrong. I certainly think social networking is here to stay but seeing how it leaps from one hot site to another every couple years concerns me. Awhile back it was Friendster, then LinkedIn, then, and now Facebook. Who's next?

I'm working on another blog post regarding Facebook but it may be worth sharing one thought with you now. I simply don't understand the messaging portion of Facebook. Here's how it works: someone sends me a message on Facebook. I get an email in my Gmail account saying "Jeremy sent you a message on Facebook, click here to view it." Then I go sign in to Facebook to retrieve my message. Hey Jeremy, why not just send me the message to me via email in the first place? Why use Facebook to send it?

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