Sunday, November 25, 2007

What you need in order to get to the top

One of my favorite sites,, had a great article the other day titled What is most likely to help you reach the top? This seemed appropriate for this site considering that's often the goal of many people pursuing an MBA.

The article lists ten things you should (and shouldn't) do if you want to make it to the top in today's business world. However, there is a recurring theme throughout most of them and it's a simple lesson. Be nice. Seems easy right? Actually the do's and don't are more about being well-liked by everyone in your office and a lot of that can be summarized by simply being a nice, genuine, caring person.

"When it comes to success in today’s world, being the kind of person others like outranks all of the fashionable traits like competitiveness, willingness to work harder then anyone else, piling up qualifications, or blind obedience to the demands of the people at the top. Pleasant, likable people have the best chances of being hired, promoted, and rewarded."

"Being nice" can lead to "being liked" if done right even though the two aren't the same thing. (And if you can't remember all ten points in this article, "being nice" should cover you pretty well.) Once again, going back to something fundamental like this can be your ticket to the top. Remember to focus on these fundamentals. Don't make anything, including getting to the top, more complicated than it needs to be.

What is most likely to help you reach the top? at

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